MMR (Mobile Meter Reading)-Smart Payment-银河电力INHE

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MMR (Mobile Meter Reading)

SmartMMR is designed for mechanical and older meters where data cannot be collected automatically. These meters require manual transcription onto paper, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. Meter reading is improved with the HHU app and SmartMMR, offering features like automated data verification, billing calculation, on-site bill printing, and bill delivery via SMS or email. This process is highly efficient and accurate, enhancing overall convenience




  • MMRSolutionImprovemeterreading.png

    Improve meter reading efficiency and reduce data entry errors.

  • MMRSolutionAutomaticallycalculatetheoptimalmeterreadingroute.png

    Automatically calculate the optimal meter reading route to shorten reading time.

  • MMRSolutionReceiveorquerybillsviaSMS.png

    Receive or query bills via SMS, email, or website.

  • MMRSolutionManageandallocatemeteringdevices.png

    Manage and allocate metering devices for more standardized operations.

  • MMRSolutionInstantlycalculateelectricitycharges.png

    Instantly calculate electricity charges and print them for users.

  • MMRSolutionHandleexceptions.png

    Handle exceptions and conduct meter reading data audits.

  • MMRSolutionGeneratecomprehensivereport.png

    Generate comprehensive report statistics and support detailed data queries of various types.


  • i100c0.png
    i100-c0 SERIES

    i100-c0 is a new generation of advanced single-phase two wires, multi-function, split type (keypad-based), anti-theft, smart prepayment meter. i100-c0 fully comply with STS standard and is suitable product for residential or commercial customers in utility companies to accomplish prepayment business process. 

    i100-c0 has excellent anti-tamper feature like anti-bypass feature (it is measuring energy by using two sensor in phase and neutral circuit and record the bigger one) and terminal cover detection sensor. i100-c0 can utilize different communication media to CIU or data concentrator (for smart metering application) like PLC, Cable or RF based on customer requirements. 

    The meter consists of two parts: the MCU (Metering & Control Unit) and CIU (Customer Interface Unit). 

    • HighProtectionDegree-872.png

      High Protection Degree

    • MultiCommunication-712.png

      Multi Communication

    • DLMSCOSEM-206.png


    • DualMeasurementSensor-847.png

      Dual Measurement Sensor




  • MMR System

    Metering device information is synced with SmartMMR via the CIS. Meter readings are conducted using the HHU within SmartMMR, and the collected data is sent back for electricity consumption calculations. After meter readings, if feasible network conditions allow, real-time billing and immediate printing of bill notices can be done and sent to customers. Bills are distributed to customers via SMS, email, and websites. Billing data is then transmitted to Saphir. Payments can be made in the marketing system using cash or through SmartAgent. The process concludes with payment and receipt printing within the marketing system.

    • SoftwareMMRMeterReadingManagement.png

      Meter Reading Management

    • SoftwareMMRTariffManagement-532.png

      Tariff Management

    • SoftwareMMRComprehensiveQuery.png

      Comprehensive Query

    • SoftwareMMRStatisticsStatements.png

      Statistics Statements
