Smart AMI-Smart Metering-银河电力INHEMETER

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Smart AMI

The Smart AMI system integrates communication, IoT, and cloud tech to manage data collection, monitoring, and analysis. It organizes data from substations, lines, transformers, and users, enabling real-time monitoring and supporting load control, energy purchasing, and power management. It provides insights into electricity usage, load distribution, and power quality. INHE SmartAMI excels in data analysis and decision-making, accurately forecasting energy needs and offering customized solutions for efficient energy management. It prioritizes user experience with intuitive interfaces and personalized services, ensuring easy energy monitoring and management.




  • AMISolutionDiverseequipmentsupport.png

    Diverse equipment support

  • AMISolutionVersatilecommunicationmethods.png

    Versatile communication methods

  • AMISolutionTaskbasedremotedatacollectionandconfiguration.png

    Task-based remote data collection and configuration

  • AMISolutionRealtimeequipmentmonitoring.png

    Real-time equipment monitoring

  • AMISolutionVarieddataanalysisoptionsandreports.png

    Varied data analysis options and reports

  • AMISolutionMapintegratedonsitemobileHHU.png

    Map-integrated on-site mobile HHU


  • i210DDZ1513.png
    i210(DDZ1513) SERIES

    i210(DDZ1513) is a direct connection modular design single phase AMI meter, which is used to measure electrical energy accurately for commercial and residential customers. Meter supports varieties communication medias for remote management and reading with hot-swappable communication module such as RF/ PLC/GPRS/3G/4G/NB-IoT etc.

    i210(DDZ1513) can be utilized for prepayment (comply with STS standard) and post payment applications (selectable by utility company). Multiple display mode switchable in order to satisfy reading requirement on site. Excellent features in anti-tamper, irregularities detection and real time event pushing to ensure utility asset protection and revenue growth.

    • HighProtectionDegree-612.png

      High Protection Degree

    • IntelligentDisplay.png

      Intelligent Display

    • DLMSCOSEM-346.png


    • AntiTamper-408.png


  • 1jizhongqi4000.png
    IHM-4000 Smart Data Concentrator SERIES

    IHM-4000 Smart Terminal Device with measurement capability is based on the advanced measurement technology and sensor technology. Through modern communication network (4G/PLC/RF), it realizes remote data measurement related to the transformer’s operations and in real-time condition, as well as data acquisition, data analysis and capturing and reporting abnormal events. It can monitor transformer running state in real time (metering and monitoring the transformer output power), meanwhile acting as a Data Concentrator to collect metering data from subsidiary of transformer.

    • HighAccurate.png

      High Accurate

    • Multicommunication.png


    • PowerQualityMeasurement.png

      Power Quality Measurement

    • ActsasDataConcentrator.png

      Acts as Data Concentrator

  • i100c0.png
    i100-c0 SERIES

    i100-c0 is a new generation of advanced single-phase two wires, multi-function, split type (keypad-based), anti-theft, smart prepayment meter. i100-c0 fully comply with STS standard and is suitable product for residential or commercial customers in utility companies to accomplish prepayment business process. 

    i100-c0 has excellent anti-tamper feature like anti-bypass feature (it is measuring energy by using two sensor in phase and neutral circuit and record the bigger one) and terminal cover detection sensor. i100-c0 can utilize different communication media to CIU or data concentrator (for smart metering application) like PLC, Cable or RF based on customer requirements. 

    The meter consists of two parts: the MCU (Metering & Control Unit) and CIU (Customer Interface Unit). 

    • HighProtectionDegree-872.png

      High Protection Degree

    • MultiCommunication-712.png

      Multi Communication

    • DLMSCOSEM-206.png


    • DualMeasurementSensor-847.png

      Dual Measurement Sensor




  • HES

    Smart collection and monitoring system, providing compatibility and support capabilities for multiple brands and communication types of devices, and third-party system compatibility capabilities.

    • SoftwareHESAutomaticmeterdatacollection-719.png

      Automatic meter data collection

    • SoftwareHESManagementofenergymeteringterminals.png

      Management of energy metering terminals

    • SoftwareHESAlarmandfaultmanagement.png

      Alarm and fault management

    • SoftwareHESCommunicationandprotocolmanagement.png

      Communication and protocol management

    • SoftwareHESDeviceupgrades.png

      Device upgrades & parameter configuration

  • MDM

    Intelligent measurement data management and application system, diversified data analysis indicators and reports, providing data support for decision-making, and providing multi vendor HES compatibility capabilities.

    • SoftwareMDMManagement,storage.png

      Management, storage, organization, and backup of electricity consumption data

    • SoftwareMDMDataeventmonitoring.png

      Data event monitoring

    • SoftwareMDMDataanalysis.png

      Data analysis, prediction and report generation

    • SoftwareMDMDatasecurity.png

      Data security, and privacy protection
