MV Metering-Smart Metering-银河电力INHEMETER

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MV Metering

MMU series Medium Voltage (MV) metering equipment is an integrated and complete MV metering solution, including MV switch, metering unit, metering box etc. MMU series products support prepayment and post payment system. It is used in a variety of applications. 




  • SF6jueyuanzhongyakaiguanguiSF6InsulatedSwitchgear.png
    SF6 Insulated Switchgear


    IHM-RMU6 series medium voltage switchgear (24kV and below voltage level) is a SF6 insulated fully sealed maintenance-free medium voltage switchgear. Each functional unit is modular design with flexible combination and expansion of unit cabinet and shared cabinet, meeting the safe use requirements of medium voltage distribution system of 24kV and below.

    • HighVoltagePartIsCompletelyWeldedAndSealedfromTheEnvironment.png

      High Voltage Part Is Completely Welded And Sealed from The Environment

    • OperatingMechanismIsCompletelyInsulated.png

      Operating Mechanism Is Completely Insulated And Separated from The Primary High-Voltage Charged Body, Which Is Convenient And Safe to Operate

    • InternalCombustionArcEnduranceIndexComplieswithIEC62271200.png

      Internal Combustion Arc Endurance Index Complies with IEC 62271-200

    • TheFullySealedCabinetCanBeTouchedSafely.png

      The Fully Sealed Cabinet Can Be Touched Safely, Which Meets The Requirements Of The Closed Pressure System Specified by IEC62271-1

  • zhuangyikaishihuneijiaoliujinshufengbikaiguangui11.png
    Armored Withdrawable Indoor AC Metal-clad Switchgear SERIES

    IHM-6600 series armored withdrawable indoor AC metal-clad switchgear is a complete set of power distribution equipment used in 7.2~36kV three-phase AC 50Hz single bus and single bus section system. It is mainly used in power plants, small and medium-sized generators, power transmission from secondary substations of industrial and mining enterprises, and power systems, and large-scale high-voltage motor start-ups to achieve control, protection, and monitoring.

    • PowerFacility.png

      Power Facility

    • SmartCity.png

      Smart City

    • Buildings.png

      Buildings (Health, Airport, Banking And Finance Etc.)

    • Industry.png

      Industry (Food And Beverages, Automobiles, Water And Wastewater, Oil And Gas Etc.)

  • chanpinhuanbaoqitijueyuankaiguanguiMetalenclosedEnvironmentallyFriendlyGasInsulatedSwitchgear-217.png
    Metal-enclosed Environmentally Friendly Gas-Insulated Switchgear


    In order to respond to the global trend of carbon neutrality, Inhegrid has launched a green energy power switchgear IHM-RMUA series medium-voltage switchgear, referred to as metal-enclosed environmentally friendly gas-insulated switchgear.

    Compared with ordinary gas-filled cabinets, IHM-RMUA series medium-voltage switchgear avoids the use of greenhouse gases such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and adopts the design concept of optimizing electric field, making the products more reliable, compact, reasonable, easy to install and flexible in operation.

    The product is suitable for AC power system rated voltage 12kV distribution stations, switch stations, industrial and mining enterprises, urban residential areas, airports, railroads, tunnels, high-rise buildings and other scenes. It avoids the generation of toxic gases caused by the fault arc, and is more suitable for small and confined spaces.

    • MaintenanceFree.png

      Maintenance Free

    • EnvironmentFriendly.png

      Environment Friendly

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      Modular Design

  • 1zhongyayufufeijiliangzhuangzhiMMUZYQ11XXXXWP-784.png
    MV Prepayment Metering Equipment SERIES

    MMU series Medium Voltage (MV) metering equipment is an integrated and complete MV metering solution, including MV switch, metering unit, metering box etc. The device is designed for MV large power users directly fed by distribution transformer at AC 50Hz/ 60Hz, 6 ~ 38kV to realize power metering at the medium voltage side of the transformer and MV load control. It has the functions of metering, billing, prepayment, remote meter reading, automatic alarm, anti-tamper, power quality monitoring and so on. It is applicable for industrial, commercial and collective enterprises to help utilities reduce commercial loss.

    • MultiProtocol-394.png


    • PowerQualityMeasurement-934.png

      Power Quality Measurement

    • OverCurrentProtection.png

      Over Current Protection

    • PowerQualityMeasurement-924.png

      Power Quality Measurement




  • HES

    Smart collection and monitoring system, providing compatibility and support capabilities for multiple brands and communication types of devices, and third-party system compatibility capabilities.

    • SoftwareHESAutomaticmeterdatacollection-595.png

      Automatic meter data collection

    • SoftwareHESManagementofenergymeteringterminals-407.png

      Management of energy metering terminals

    • SoftwareHESAlarmandfaultmanagement-787.png

      Alarm and fault management

    • SoftwareHESCommunicationandprotocolmanagement-658.png

      Communication and protocol management

    • SoftwareHESDeviceupgrades-275.png

      Device upgrades & parameter configuration

  • Smart AMI

    The Smart AMI system integrates communication, IoT, and cloud tech to manage data collection, monitoring, and analysis. It organizes data from substations, lines, transformers, and users, enabling real-time monitoring and supporting load control, energy purchasing, and power management.

    • SoftwareSmartAMIDiverseequipmentsupport-93.png

      Diverse equipment support

    • SoftwareSmartAMIVersatilecommunicationmethods-955.png

      Versatile communication methods

    • SoftwareSmartAMITaskbasedremotedatacollection-243.png

      Task-based remote data collection and configuration

    • SoftwareSmartAMIRealtimeequipmentmonitoring-565.png

      Real-time equipment monitoring

    • SoftwareSmartAMIVarieddataanalysisoptions-921.png

      Varied data analysis options and reports

    • SoftwareSmartAMIMapintegratedonsitemobileHHU-426.png

      Map-integrated on-site mobile HHU
